LifeGate Freedom Recovery Ranch 

LifeGate Freedom is a residential sober living program designed to address the whole person, mentally, physically, and spiritually. This endeavor is accomplished by teaching Christ based 12 Step Recovery, Financial Literacy, Life Skills, and The Word of God through a variety of educational platforms. We teach accountability, responsibility, and individual choice through mentoring and counseling. Residents who need assistance in finding work are offered an Individual Placement Specialist to assist them. Case Managers are provided to assist members depending on the individual's needs.

Residents are taught cleanliness, attention to details, and timeliness. Social interactions are encouraged as part of this thriving community so that each resident understands that they belong to something greater than themselves. Responsibility is taught in every aspect of the program, teaching each resident that it is up to them to care for their own well-being and care. The goal is to equip residents with the necessary tools to be productive citizens in society and not return to their previous lifestyle.

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